To facilitate the import of orders with a large number of parts through an import file, a new feature is installed.

It is now possible to import a file in CSV format with a brand new interface. 

Once the file is loaded into Agora Plus, the interface proposes to link the columns of your file to the Agora Plus basket and all you have to do is import the data.

Warning: the file must be created for only one supplier. (1 file per supplier)

Click on "Import order (CSV format)"

Click on "Browse" and choose the file you want to import.

The path of the selected file is displayed as well as its content:


- choose the supplier

- associate the columns of the file

When the displayed results are correct, click on "Upload file".

The content of the file is displayed in a table format.

You can correct the information if necessary, then click on the "Confirm" button.

The parts to be ordered are now displayed with additional details: availability, price icon.....

When all the order data is correct, click on the "Add to the Basket" button to have the parts added to your basket.